The word


does not mean


When we don’t have a word for

the transition into motherhood,

we minimize its significance. 

-Diane Epperson

Pregnancy, birth, and postpartum are complicated, stretching, and sacred experiences. Let me guide you on your journey as you discover and become the mom you want to be.

Hablo español 

Let your Spanish-speaking friends know that I speak Spanish and can be a resource to help them!

Estoy lista y animada a ayudarte en este momento tan especial. Usted ya sabe mucho cómo ser una madre muy buena. Yo quiero apoyarte y enseñarte porque la madre es importante como el bebe. Si tiene interés, haga click abajo y podemos hablar más.


Habla Conmigo

Like many of you, I’m currently postpartum!

Baby #5 was born near the end of April, 2024. We are navigating postpartum and learning and growing, gaining more experience and empathy to be able to help you!

Diane and her beautiful family, 2024